Electric Heaters With Voice Control

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Shop for electric panel heaters with voice control. The SolAire Caldo & Vitra convector heaters and Celsius oil-filled electric radiators integrate with the  Smart Life app (one of the worlds largest smart device platforms). This also lets you control other smart devices, such as boiler switches, lights and home appliances – all in one App. Our Adax heaters also offer voice control using the Adax app.

With voice control, you can connect the electric wall heater with Google Home or Amazon Alexa. You won’t even need to leave your seat or open the app! With Amazon Alexa and Google Home, the heating will respond to voice commands, enabling home automation. You can simply say phrases such as “turn heating on” and “set heater to 20 degrees”. Buy electric heaters with voice control from SolAire Heating Products.